New beginnings – Day 3

New beginnings … with new goals
Bible text(s)
Proverbs 16
A well-known quote reads: “A person who fails to plan, plans to fail.” Without clear goals, we become like a person getting into his or her car and driving without a destination. No matter how fancy the car might be and how fast the car can go, without a destination, the cars tank will soon become empty and the person would still not have reached any destination.
Think about where you want to be in a year’s time. Do you want to have a better job? Do you want to lose weight, go overseas or have better relationships with your family or work colleagues? Go on, think for a moment. Where do you want to be?
Do you realise that the way you act today and every day this year, will determine how close or far you will be from your goals by the beginning of next year? Here are two tips to get you started to set goals for a new year:
In Proverbs 16:9 we read: “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” Before you write down your goals, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Ask God to show you what He specifically plans for you for this new year.
Set yourself goals for the year, but break them down into goals for each month and even each week. Smaller goals make it easier to accomplish bigger goals. Here are seven categories to start with:
- 1.Work (What do you want to achieve at work this year?)
- 2.Social (Who do you need to visit more? Are there any of your friends that you need to pray for more?)
- 3.Financial (Decide what amount of your income you will pay towards tithes, savings or giving to the poor)
- 4.Relationship with God (Decide which time of the day you will allocate to spend time with God – for instance, half an hour before work or during lunch?)
- 5.Family (Decide to pray for your family and make an effort to contact them or go and visit them more often)
- 6.Health (Decide to eat healthier and exercise more)
- 7.Dreams (Decide to tick off at least one item on your “bucket list”!)
Remember, you might not lose 10 kg in the first week, run a 10 km race in the first month or manage to remain patient with that colleague in your office. However, with discipline, small sacrifices and much prayer, you will find it becomes easier to say “no” to sweets, you will start jogging without a cramp and maybe even discover a special friendship with that former rude colleague. Take the first step today and who knows, maybe this year will be your best year so far! God bless.