Bible Society of South Africa
Quintus Heine

New Seasons

  • New seasons
  • New seasons start with change!
  • Pay attention to the positive things in your life
  • Laughter
  • New season – yes, but not by your own power
  • Love changes everything and everyone!
  • Look at one another in love
  • Love your family
  • It’s your choice how you will handle crises
  • Love yourself
  • The secret of true happiness and joy
  • Worry dampens your joy
  • Joy is putting God in control of our lives
  • Life’s joy is to live with hope
  • Joy is realising you have enough
  • Joy is being in awe of God
  • Joy is being there for others
  • Promote joy by your thoughts
  • If Jesus returned today, would you be ready?
  • Serving gives you joy

This 20-day reading plan is about new (spiritual) seasons in our lives and how to live life with joy, peace and a positive outlook. With help from God and through his grace, we are able to face challenges, while still serving him, acknowledging our dependence on him and bringing glory to his name. Enjoy your Bible reading journey!


New Seasons – Day 1 read episode
New Seasons – Day 2 read episode
New Seasons – Day 3 read episode
New Seasons – Day 4 read episode
New Seasons – Day 5 read episode
New Seasons – Day 6 read episode
New Seasons – Day 7 read episode
New Seasons – Day 8 read episode
New Seasons – Day 9 read episode
New Seasons – Day 10 read episode
New Seasons – Day 11 read episode
New Seasons – Day 12 read episode
New Seasons – Day 13 read episode
New Seasons – Day 14 read episode
New Seasons – Day 15 read episode
New Seasons – Day 16 read episode
New Seasons – Day 17 read episode
New Seasons – Day 18 read episode
New Seasons – Day 19 read episode
New Seasons – Day 20 read episode

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