Bible Society of South Africa

Day 5: God is involved in the DETAIL of our lives – 14 February 2020

Bible text(s)

Psalms 37

14The wicked draw their swords and bend their bows

to kill the poor and needy,

to slaughter those who do what is right;

Psalms 37:14GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 139

16you saw me before I was born.

The days allotted to me

had all been recorded in your book,

before any of them ever began.

17O God, how difficult I find your thoughts;

how many of them there are!

18If I counted them, they would be more than the grains of sand.

When I awake, I am still with you.

Psalms 139:16-18GNBOpen in Bible reader

Every now and then I am deeply touched by an interview during my radio show. The interview with Thinus Campher of Hagar’s Choice, a place of safety, was certainly one of those. They look after abandoned babies until they can be adopted. Here is one of his testimonies:

Thinus: “As a family, we are passionate about making sure every child we take in, feels safe and special. Among other things, we for instance will take photos of all the child’s milestones so the new parents will leave with a whole photo album. Time and time again we are astounded to see God’s hand in matching the children and new parents.

One of these incidents was a foreign couple who struggled for 12 years to fall pregnant and decided to adopt a girl. A little while before the date of adoption, the little girl had her birthday. My wife, Barbara, baked a cake and decided to use macaroons instead of the typical baby decorations. For her birthday, the little girl didn’t want the cake, but ate five macaroons. She loved it.

We also bought the little girl a special dress for the day of adoption. Before we bring out the child, e usually have a meet and greet chat with the new parents. During this chat, we discovered, to our surprise, that macaroons are the new mom’s favorite snack.

When we brought out the little girl, the new mother started crying. We assumed it was because the moment was filled with emotion. When she calmed down, she told that during the 12 years of trying to conceive, there were many setbacks. With every miscarriage, she ordered a bunch of proteas to cheer herself up. It is her favorite flowers. None of us knew it, but God did and the day they met the girl, she was wearing a dress covered by proteas! God truly is involved in the detail of our lives.”

Thinus is right. God is involved in the DETAIL of our lives. In Psalm 37:14 we read: “The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He also delights in every detail of their lives. ”Also in Psalm 139: 16-18, we read: “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.  How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.”

God is also involved in the DETAIL of our lives. May we stay encouraged during the hard times, knowing that He has more thoughts about each of us than there is sand in the sea. God bless.

Father God, thank you that in Your greatness, You still delight in the detail of my life. Please help me to stay positive in the hard times, knowing that You are at work. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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