Look with new eyes … at your loved ones – 2 March 2023

By Charlea Grey
Bible text(s)
Ecclesiastes 4
Being a mother has made me look at life with new eyes. I see my own mother in a new light. Actually, I started looking at all my loved ones with new eyes, because the arrival of our baby also made an impact on their lives.
Girlfriends have turned into valuable support systems. They give advice or listen when things are chaotic. Relatives are suddenly concerned uncles, aunts, grandfathers and grandmothers who bring food and gifts, and just want to pamper and love our little one.
My husband has turned into a concerned father who changes diapers and comforts our daughter. He makes funny jokes and talks in funny voices to entertain our little girl, and make her laugh out loud.
Daily, I experience how our little girl enjoys the people close to her. She loves her grandmothers and grandfathers – they each have a pet name for her. She gets excited when she sees her different uncles and aunts; each one has a unique approach when they play and talk with her.
Very often, we take the people in our lives for granted. We get so used to our loved ones that we no longer notice and appreciate their unique quirks and personalities. Sometimes, we only see their shortcomings.
Over the past few months, I have realised how important our support network is. Not only because they are there for us in this new chapter of our lives, but also because they add colour and excitement to our little girl’s life.
We all need loved ones and God has always known this – from the beginning. We need people who enrich our lives. We need people to help us when things get tough, when we need advice and when we don’t know what to do.
When was the last time you looked at the people around you with new eyes and without focusing on their shortcomings? Maybe, it is time we notice and appreciate them again.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me appreciate my loved ones and see their good qualities with new eyes. Also, help me to support them and be there for them when they need me. Amen