Bible Society of South Africa
Danny Fourie

Who is this Man? – Day 7

Not only words, but deeds

Bible text(s)

Luke 20

13Then the owner of the vineyard said, ‘What shall I do? I will send my own dear son; surely they will respect him!’

Luke 20:13GNBOpen in Bible reader

The marvel of God’s initiative is that He laid down His power and majesty and took His place among human beings. From experience, God knew how difficult people are to deal with, how indifferent they can be and that they would not believe in Him. It was a dodgy move from God to take the risk to come to earth, and to come and live among people who were known for the fact that they murder and reject prophets. God had sent so many spiritual workers and they were all murdered. Then God said, “I will send my son, whom I love; perhaps they will respect him.” They will respect Him?

For centuries, the advent of the great Saviour was proclaimed. And then He arrived. It all started with the birth of a baby. God put His words into action. God did not stay in heaven, but He came to earth. The Word became flesh. The prophecy became truth.

At first, God gave the law at Sinai, then He appointed judges, He allowed kings to reign and later, He sent prophets. They all said, “Turn back to God!” But that did not work. The people kept on leaving God and, so, they alienated themselves from God.

Then came D-day. God Himself arrived on earth. If nothing is going to help, then I will do it myself. I will come and fetch you and bring you home again. For once and for all, I will let you see my perfect love and righteousness.

With the birth of Jesus, God had a new approach. No more distance or divide between God and man. No more people on behalf of God, but God Himself.

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