Bible Society of South Africa

40 DAYS – Time with God – Day 31

Reflecting the Glory of God

by Noelene Curry

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


28Moshe a hlola moo le Morena ka matsatsi a mashome a mane, le ka masiu a mashome a mane, a sa je, a sa nwe. Morena a ngola mantswe a selekane matlapeng, e leng melao e leshome.

Moshe o theoha thabeng ya Sinai

29Moshe a theoha thabeng ya Sinai, matsohong a nkile matlapa a mabedi a ngotsweng Molao. Ha a theoha thabeng, o ne a sa tsebe hore sefahleho sa hae se a kganya, ka baka la ho buisana le Modimo. 30Yare ha Arone la bana bohle ba Iseraele ba tadima Moshe, mme ba bona hore sefahleho sa hae se a kganya, ba tshaba ho atamela ho yena. 31Yaba Moshe o a ba bitsa; Arone le baokamedi bohle ba setjhaba ba kgutlela ho yena, mme Moshe a bua le bona. 32Hamorao bana bohle ba Iseraele ba atamela, mme a ba bolella tsohle tseo Morena a di buileng ho yena, ha a le thabeng ya Sinai.

33Ha Moshe a qetile ho bua le bona, a ikgurumetsa sefahleho ka lesira. 34Empa ha Moshe a kena ho ya bua le Morena, o ne a ye a tlose lesira ho fihlela a be a etswa. Ha a se tswile, o ne a ye a bolelle bana ba Iseraele seo a se laetsweng.

PHALLO 34:28-34SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he was not aware that his face was radiant – full of joy from receiving the words of God that were going to change the way the people of God would live in the future. We may not be aware of how we are radiating God’s word, but others will experience God in you.  Our world would be changed in a radical way if all believers spent thoughtful time with God and found that their presence effected those around them.  Take time out of worldly matters to  be in the presence of God.

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