New Seasons – Day 15

Joy is realising you have enough
Itekisi yeBhayibhile
NguNdikhoyo umalusi wam
One Sunday, at Sunday school, the children were introduced to Psalm 23 and had to learn the first verse by heart. One little girl spoke out, “The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I want!” This girl understood the Psalm very well. The psalmist makes an amazing confession when he says he lacks nothing. This little girl understood what the psalm means; if we have God, we don’t need anything else.
We have reason to believe that the psalms were written from a position of extreme need! The fact that the poet was still able to write these words, despite his circumstances, affirms that God is the only comfort in life. The poet claims that if he has God, he has enough – even if everything else is taken away from him. Even though things are going badly with him, he lacks nothing.
We suffer from disease, pain and discomfort. However, whatever your circumstances, learn this psalm. As believers, it teaches us that we should be content, because we do not want for anything. Even if we have fewer worldly things and possessions, if we have the Lord Jesus, what more do we need in life? Sometimes, believers have an attitude of dissatisfaction and ingratitude; they complain about everything and always want what others have. In Psalm 23, we have a believer’s testimony that he was satisfied with what he had been given. The only thing that’s important to the poet is the presence of the Lord and that’s why he is not afraid of anything.
Perhaps, you need to make a confession today in line with Psalm 23. Perhaps, you need to realise that you are satisfied with what you have and who you are, because of what you have and who you are in Christ. If we have Jesus, we lack nothing, we do not want for anything. We have enough.
Is this your testimony today? It does not matter what your circumstances are, if you have God, you have enough. This is what true joy is.