Time is precious – Day 10

Be ready for the Master’s return
Bible text(s)
Luke 12
In the parable of the master of the house returning unexpectedly, Jesus was instructing his disciples on what their attitude to the future should be. The great event that would one day take place, would be the coming of the Son of Man at an unexpected and unknown date.
He likened that event to the master of the house going to a wedding and leaving his servants awaiting his return. They did not know when to expect him or whether he would need a meal or not after his journey.
Being faithful servants, they did not simply go off to bed. Instead they rolled up their sleeves and got working, so that no matter what time he returned, they would be ready to receive him.
Jesus said such a master would be so pleased by his servants’ conduct that he would tell them to sit at the table and he would serve them instead.
How does this parable apply to us?
We know Jesus, our Master, is coming again: “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:3).
We must be ready for him at all times because he will return when we least expect him to do so. That means we must live our life in anticipation of that great and wonderful day so that when our Master returns, he will find us active in his service and motivated by our faith in him.